Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer 2009

Seems like this first month of summer just flew past, I hate to realize that this next year at school, everything is going to matter, I really need to step it up, start thinking about college, and ACT and all taht stuff...Sucks to know that this is what I have to look forward to, stressing over all of this...ughh enjoyable...NOT

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Doesnt it suck when....

You have that one thing that you want so bad to tell the world...
But yet you cant....You cant bring yourself to say it..
Your best friends in the world are there for you yet you
just cant, you feel as if its a secret you need for only yourself to know.

It sucks when you want to talk about it but you just cant.

I feel like I'm surrounded in a wonderful amazing group of friends, I have everything (MOSTLY) that i want...but sometimes i feel like I'm alone...Of course my friends are there for me but yet, sometimes you need to just stop and think about whats really bothering you. Maybe its something deeper than what you sense. Maybe it isn't what you are thinking..maybe, just maybe, its the truth your not willing to let go of.

Isn't that what friends are for? To be there for you when you need them, but then when you don't tell them something you feel like you let them down, I truly hate that feeling...

I hope all of my friends know how much i love them and how much they all mean to me..i couldn't have made it as far as i have without them. They make everyday brighter and they are my life, without love i am nothing, no matter if its family love, best friend love, or boyfriend love, I'm nothing without any of it....


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

have you ever felt...

Have you ever felt like your surrounded by people but yet your all alone?

Like no matter what you do you cant fit in?

Like you give and give and recieve nothing back?

That feeling sucks...

It hurts to know that there is always going to be that one person that

wants to ruin your life, that wants to hurt you. But you honestly cant

let them, thats what they want. I've learned you need to find happiness

in what you have. Think about how much we have compared to some people.

So many teenagers dont think about the fact that we are so lucky to be

able to go to school and have amazing friends that we love and that love us.

Take a minute and think about it...those kids that pull a gun at school, that

kill innocent teens why do they do it....Some of them its because they dont fit in.
They dont have friends, they cant make it through life because people treat them bad.

So doesnt everyone deserve a fair chance...All humans are created equal.

Its the human race that judges them and puts us elsewhere...
It sucks to not fit in, and it sucks to be an outsider.
Teenagers just need to stop the judging its pointless and its rude...

Give everyone an equal opportuinty....

The first of many

I guess you have to start somewhere
and the easiest is the begining...

Thats where I will start....
the purpose of this isnt to offend anyone
or make anyone feel bad
its my opinion and dont mind stating it

This is for my friends to comment on
For people to put their input into it
just as much as mine is......

I just want to know peoples thoughts.
Considering we all dont think the same
I think this is a great way to figure out
What our opinions are...